Edible Men’s Shirts In North Korea

Today I found out that there’s at least one western national who has studied and graduated from North Korean’s Kim II Sung University. It is pretty mind-blowing to think anyone would chose to study and got accepted into the dictator-controlled country’s university. At the same time, I also learned that there is actually fashion in the communist regime and there is even a national men’s fashion magazine too.

However, none of those news were more mind-blowing than this other bit of news: North Korean has introduced a new line of shirts that can be eaten to “avoid starvation.” Yup. You read that right. Edible t-shirts. I am not even kidding. Apparently, it is possible to eat North Korea-kind-of-trendy-shirts to keep yourself from going hungry. Then again, it shouldn’t be a surprise when this weird development was reportedly released by the country’s Clothing Research Center. Why? Because, Research Center.

Anywho, the news was reported by the aforementioned western national graduate of Kim II Sung University, an Australian by the name of Alek Sigley. Here’s the Mr. Sigley’s report posted on NK News in English:

“Clothing made from artificial flannelette fabrics composed of trace elements such as high-grade protein, amino acids, fruit juice, magnesium, iron and calcium, as clothing worn by people engaged in sailing, outdoor exploration and mountain climbing, can be eaten to avoid starvation in the event that food has run out.”

Also, the clothing was said to be soluble in water. Shirt-flavored beverages, anyone? It was quite a revelation… you know, learning that a westerner graduating from the regime’s national college and learning that there’s not only fashion in North Korea but some of them are edible. Granted, we have no idea if there’s cooking instructions that come with this gourmet shirts. Or do you just eat it as is with black coffee? Hmmm.

Image: Alek Sigley/NK News.

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Source: Newsweek.