FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

Some folks may experience dizziness when using virtual reality headset and it seems like it is a problem that’s here to stay for these people, a startup by the name of FOVE has invented a solution that promised to minimize the dizziness. And does so by adding eye-tracking to the usual motion sensor mix. With eye-tracking in place, it allows you to tilt your head in a more natural, reducing unnatural head movements that would otherwise encourage dizziness. In other words, the direction of your gaze won’t rely solely on your head but it also involves your eyes, which logically speaking, should relief your neck of agony constant turning.

FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

Eye-tracking is essential to achieve the ultimate goal of FOVE and that’s to “humanized the virtual world” and also to create a more realistic environment such as blurring and sharpening of scenery as appropriate to your focus and even interacting with virtual characters in a more humanly manner. In real world, when you look at someone, odds are they will smile back at you and the same thing will happen with FOVE, which clearly is not possible without eye-tracking technology. Wait. Does it mean that future (possibly AI-induced) virtual babes may say things like “hello, my eyes are up here not on my chest”? Ah. That’s the beauty of eye-tracking, eh? In addition, eye-tracking will also benefit shooter games, where “true line-of-sight” targeting will be a reality.

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FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

Naturally, looking is definitely way faster than trying juggle between your keyboard and mouse than frantically twisting and turning your head, thus making your gaming experience a little more immersive, or perhaps too immersive? I don’t know. There is even talk of implementing facial expression recognition to the headset so that the whole “humanizing of virtual world” will be more complete. If you enjoy the prospect of blurring the line between the real and virtual world, you can pre-order FOVE via Kickstarter for an early bird price of $375.

But before you jump right into it, you may want to know that the promised delivery would only happen in May 2016. A year of wait is a seriously long time and within this time, a lot could have happened. You know, new developments and stuff, and that’s not to mention an endeavor as bold as this risk slipping on the delivery promise.

FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset

FOVE Eye-tracking Virtual Reality Headset