Godzilla Millennium Maquette Replica

Very, very serious devotees of Godzilla will definitely go head-over-heels over the Godzilla 2000: Millennium Maquette Replica. This particular collectible statue is, as the product name suggests, is based on Gojira’s appearance in 1999 Japanese Godzilla flick.

Godzilla Millennium Maquette Replica

The prototype production and molding production of this statue are by Yuji Sakai. Sakai-san supervised the molding, using the precious clay prototype, to reproduced the model a poly resin model that is faithful to the radioactive beast’s appearance in 2000.

Sakai is, of course, no stranger to producing Godzilla models. He has studio that does that and the man was more recently involved in the sculpting work of S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla vs. Kong action figures.

What fans can expect is a replica of the radioactive reptilian in the colors as it appeared in Godzilla 2000: Millennium (1999, Toho Pictures).

At 30 cm (12 inches) tall, the maquette may not be impressive in the world of collectable statues, but man, it is lengthy, coming in at 63 cm (25 inches) long. This means you are going to need a considerable amount of shelf space.

Godzilla Millennium Maquette Replica

Along with the statue is a display base imprinted with the movie logo and title, a Certificate of Authenticity plaque, and a product “instruction booklet” (not that it needed any instruction since it is a statue), containing a treasure trove of previously unpublished photos, details of the production process, “secret stories” from Mr. Sakai, and basically information fans would love to know about this limited maquette.

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Godzilla 2000: Millennium Maquette Replica is a Shonen Ric exclusive and limited to just 500 pieces worldwide.

Godzilla Millennium Maquette Replica

It is offered through a lottery sales method where potential buyers will need to apply to enter. The lottery sales runs from May 19, 1600 hours (Japan Time) through to June 14 1700 hours (Japan Time).

Lottery winner will be notified by 1800 hours on June 16, 2021 which will also detail how the winner can buy this 99,550 yen (or roughly US$910) statue. Each person is entitled to just one chance in this lottery sale.

All images courtesy of Shonen Ric [JP].