Halley Motorcycle Helmet Rack by Halley Accessories

So, you ride a bike and you have a helmet or two, but what do you do with the helmet(s) when not riding? Stowaway in the box? You could do that, or you could display your prized helmet in all its glory, on the wall with the Halley Helmet Rack from Barcelona-based Halley Accessories. TBH, I would not recommend hooks and coat hangers, but like some of those coat hangers with have seen here, Halley Helmet Rack is a statement by itself and so, it totally deserves a mention.

Halley Motorcycle Helmet Rack by Halley Accessories

Designed to display your precious helmet the right way, i.e. upright, facing forward, Halley Helmet Rack features a laser cut and bent steel arm and leverages on a large, brushed stainless steel ball at the end to prop up the helmet. Thanks to the ultra large and sharp edge-free design of the stainless steel ball, Halley Helmet Rack will not pose any threat to your helmet’s inside lining. I think one of the fringe benefit of the brushed stainless steel design is, it looks pretty stunning even when not use, unlike a typical hook. It is like an art on the wall, with or without helmet on it.

Halley Motorcycle Helmet Rack by Halley Accessories

The Halley Helmet Rack is good for displaying both open and full face helmets neatly and in absolute style. It is minimal, it is pretty even without a helmet over it, so we really don’t know what’s not to like. And the good thing is, this isn’t some concept design by some talented design students. It is a real product which is already funded on Kickstarter. This means, if you so choose to, you can make a pledge of €85 (about US$100) to pre-order a unit. If all goes as planned, you should be expecting Halley Helmet Rack at your doorstep sometime in April 2018.

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Yes. It is pricey, but it sure beats typical hooks or placing it on the shelves which, IMHO, are both eyesores when nothing’s on them.

Halley Motorcycle Helmet Rack by Halley Accessories

Images courtesy of Halley Accessories.

Submitted via TIP US Page.