(image credit: iBamboo) iBamboo speaker | US$25.00 | ibamboospeaker.com
recently we have been flooded with ‘power-free’ speakers for iPhone, some of which we failed to post. it is simply overwhelming, really. actually, i prefer to refer them as natural amplification or natural acoustics speakers because that’s what they really are. here’s another one that surfaced as a Kickstarter project, called the iBamboo. damn, does everything has got to have an ‘i’ preceding them these days? anyway, what makes this stand out is the choice of material, which is of course, bamboo. it is said that bamboo is able to grow faster and hence, they will be a more sustainable material for products.
naturally, this speaker doesn’t require any power to function as it is based on the theory of natural amplification to amplify your iPhone sound. another thing that makes this a little different from the slew of ‘power-free’ speakers is that the sound waves move in not one but two directions which should give the amplification a more ‘stereo’ effect. theoretically, it should also create a louder amplification than single direction power-free speaker. its creator Anatoliy Omelchenko is seeking support to make this product a reality via Kickstarter and you can show your support for the iBamboo by pledging $25 or more, which will get you an iBamboo speaker as well as a canvas drawstring protective holder.