We came across a post about FRAKTA-based fashion on IKEA UK’s Instagram account. We were obviously skeptical because it was posted on April 1st and you know any product news posted on this day is a possible prank. Then again, fashion pieces based on the Swedish furniture maker’s iconic blue bag are not new and so IKEA may just be leveraging April 1st to create the buzz.

According to IKEA UK, the IKEA FRAKTA SKÄMT is an upcoming limited edition fashion collection. It says on the post that “you spoke, we listened” so I am guessing customers do want FRAKTA bag-based fashion pieces? I don’t know. Maybe? In any case, the Instagram post showcased a hooded jacket, a fisherman hat, and sneakers – all of which are totally something customers will buy if they were to materialize.
There were a lot of comments on IKEA UK’s Facebook page where the product images were crossed posted but IKEA UK never responded to any. Perhaps it really is a joke? I secretly wish it isn’t (a joke). I would love to have an IKEA bucket hat. I don’t care if it is not breathable.

Images: Instagram (@ikeauk).