it has been a while since we last hit you guys up with short films and so here’s one that we think that’s worth every seconds of the five minutes of your life. titled ‘Johnny Express‘, the short sci-fi (yes, of course, it is sci-fi) follows a super lazy interplanetary delivery man on one of his delivery trip (who also used to be the Best Delivery Man Of 2150) and how he, due to his incompetence, managed to fail the delivery and also in the process, annihilates an entire alien race. if you love well crafted animation and love comic stuff, you really shouldn’t miss Johnny Express. there is little plot to talk about for something that’s just a little over five minutes long, but all we can say is, it is simply hilariously entertaining. created by a dude by the name of Kyungmin Woo of Alfred Imageworks, a CG animation and motion graphics outfit based in South Korea. check out the video after the fold.
Vimeo via The Awesomer