Mattel Justice League RC Batmobile

What you see here is a RC Batmobile from toy maker Mattel. So what’s with this RC toy that gets us so stoked? Well, first and foremost, it is an exact replica of the Batmobile that will appear in the upcoming DC Comics’ Justice League movie. As you can see, Bruce’s crimefighting automobile gets some serious boost in firepower with an over the top look for good measure. Hey, we are not complaining cos’ it’s Batfleck. But being a replica of the movie’s car is just half of the story. The other half being, it has a real exhaust that, you know, spews out white smoke (harmless smoke, Mattel assures) and a dashcam of sort so you can drive this badass ride with your smartphone as what Batman would sees.

Mattel Justice League RC Batmobile

Speaking of the Bat, it comes with a Batman figure too for completeness sake. We heard AR is in mix too, allowing you to fire virtual weapons at virtual targets, or something to that effect. Mattel will be rolling out this must-have for all fans of Batman (*hands waving… me! me! me!) this summer for a grand price of 250 dollars. Ouch. *quietly retract my hands. Ok, maybe it’s not for me. Seriously, I need to reevaluate my priorities. Decepticon City or this. Decision. Decision. Decision. More look after the break.

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Mattel Justice League RC Batmobile

Mattel Justice League RC Batmobile

Mattel Justice League RC Batmobile

Images: CNet.

via CNet via Batman News.