Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

Tesla electric cars are sleek, but you know what really pleases my eyes? High-tech cars that take on a retro look. Having said that, you bet that I am all up for this Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept. Yes. That is the Kalashnikov, the Russian company best known for its super robust assault rifle, AK-47. Kalashnikov now not only wants to make mecha robot and supply electric motorcycle to the military, it also want to have a piece of the consumer market with this decidedly retro-licious, pastel baby blue electric ride which it calls CV-1 and it has Tesla in its cross hair.

Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

What goes under the hood are not clear. All we know is that it will have “a high-speed battery modular control system and a ‘revolutionary’ compact inverter.” Despite the ‘uproar’ over its ‘questionable’ design choice, I, for one, is taking it all in. I mean, seriously, just look at this thing. It looks like a blast from the past, but with modern tech in it, and that, my friends, it is a win in my books. If you think it looks suspiciously like an Russian old ride, well, you are right. Kalashnikov does not hide the fact that this the company’s electric car concept was based on the body of IZh 2125 “Kombi” from the 1970s.

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Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

If you look at it, the choice is not all that surprising since Kalashnikov is Izhevsk-based and it succeeded what Izhmash had left behind, and Izhmash was also in both the defense and automotive industry. But really. Kalashnikov need not to justified the design choice cos’ I am an odd ball who is digging it anyways. The old school door handle with the key hole really gets me and so are the rough edges that screams “oh, look at me! I am super old school!” I don’t care about the negativity from the majority of the Internet. They can take their unruly comments and shove it into, you know, where.

Call me old school. If there’s one electric car I’d buy, it will be one with this look. Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept reminds me of how people are dropping SR20DET engines into old Datsun fastback cars. Modern heart with old school look is always an appeal. Period.

Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

Kalashnikov CV-1 Electric Supercar Concept

Images: Kalashnikov.

Source: RT.