Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate by Nestle

With the myriad of Kit Kat flavors, come the myriad of colors, but while eye candy, they are nothing more than coloring, saved for the handful of standard flavors like dark, milk and white chocolate. But all that changes with Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate. At a glance, Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate may be mistaken for strawberry flavored variety, but it is not. It is a brand new natural chocolate color since 1930s after the Swiss introduced to the world white chocolate.

Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate by Nestle
Credit: Nestle UK.

So, no. Ruby is NOT a flavoring. And also, it does not taste like strawberry either. It is described to bear a “fresh berry-fruity taste” with no actual berries, berry flavor, or coloring added. Over a decade of development by Swiss chocolatier Barry Callebaut, Ruby chocolate’s pink color is an all natural color inherited from the Ruby cocoa beans which it is made from. Ruby chocolate stirred up quite an interest among chocolate connoisseurs when it was announced last September.

Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate by Nestle
Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate. Credit: Barry Callebaut.

Following that, the first Ruby chocolate Kit Kat was introduced in Japan and Korea as Kit Kat Chocolatory Sublime Ruby earlier this year, and now, it is finally available to the UK consumers, exclusively from Tesco. After the UK launch, Kit Kat Ruby will reach out to consumers in Europe as well as the America markets. Well, since we are tad late on this… Ruby Chocolate has, apparently, move on to beyond Nestle and Kit Kat.

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According to a Tweet by Barry Callebaut, high-end London retailer Fortnum & Mason has also introduces its own Ruby Chocolate selection. And in Netherlands ice cream parlor, soetenso, is also serving up pink ruby chocolate flavor cold treat too.

Fortnum & Mason Ruby Chocolate
Fortnum & Mason Ruby Chocolate. Credit: Fortnum & Mason.
soetenso Ruby Chocolate Ice Cream
soetenso Ruby Chocolate Ice Cream. Credit: soetenso.
Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate by Nestle
Japan’s Kit Kat Chocolatory Sublime Ruby Credit: Barry Callebaut.
Kit Kat Ruby Chocolate by Nestle
Japan’s Kit Kat Chocolatory Sublime Ruby Credit: Barry Callebaut.

Featured image: Nestle UK.

via Lost At E Minor.