Genuine question: does a person with Down syndrome knows that he or she is different because of the genetic disorder? Perhaps not when they are at the age of playing with dolls, or maybe some actually do. In any case, I guess it doesn’t matter because toy maker Mattel has gone ahead to include people with Down syndrome in its Barbie doll collection.
So, yeah, Mattel Barbie Doll with Down Syndrome is real. In fact, it is already in the market. I think the most commendable part of this inclusivity is how Mattel actually worked with the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) to ensure that the doll accurately represents a person with Down syndrome.
Physical characteristics of the genetic disorder aside, the clothing and accessories of this special Barbie also carry special significance. The blue and yellow flower pattern dress is not chosen only for its youthfulness and beauty; the blue and yellow hues and the accompanying butterflies, represent symbols and colors associated with Down syndrome awareness.
Meanwhile, the three chevrons on Barbie’s necklace are more sciensy; Mattel said it represents how people with Down syndrome have three copies of their 21st chromosome. Moreover, the ankle-foot orthotics on the Barbie Doll with Down Syndrome is also representative of how some children with Down syndrome have to live with.
While obviously kids with Down syndrome who knows that they are born differently will welcome this special Barbie doll, this doll also helps to spread awareness of this genetic disorder. The Barbie Doll with Down Syndrome (Barbie Fashionista Doll #308) can be had for US$10.99.
Images: Mattel.
via npr.