Mr. Ghost EMF Detector For iPhone
you might not have a real working <a href="">Proton Backpack</a> to kickstart your ghostbusting business, but at least you know that your trusty iPhone could be used as a device for detecting the presence of supernatural beings - all you need to do is to acquire the Mr. Ghost EMF Detector For iPhone, plug it into the headphone jack of your iPhone

you might not have a real working Proton Backpack to kickstart your ghostbusting business, but at least you know that your trusty iPhone could be used as a device for detecting the presence of supernatural beings – all you need to do is to acquire the Mr. Ghost EMF Detector For iPhone, plug it into the headphone jack of your iPhone, download and launch the free app, and you are set in seeing the electromagnetic field (in real time, of course) for any EMF anomaly which might means the presence of, you know what, or at least knows which of your home appliances and gadgets are emitting the most EMF, so you can avoid being exposed to them for prolong period of time.

the gyroscope-enabled app keeps lets you know the direction of EMF sources and lets you record any spooky signals as audio and share them with your fellow ghost-busters. we bet you didn’t think that a ghost-catching device would be something an iPhone is capable of, but well, it is here alright and that kind of consummates Apple’s statement of “there’s an app for it” (even for ghostbusting). the Mr. Ghost EMF Detector For iPhone was an overwhelmingly successful project on Kickstarter which ended last December and so if you missed the boat, you can now purchase it for just $19.90 each. available through ThinkGeek, as well as Amazon.

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Mr. Ghost EMF Detector For iPhone