Remember Dry Steppers? The raincoat for shoes that has designs of sneakers on it? Well, the Rain Socks from ONFAdd of Japan is similar, except it is true to the core Japanese style. i.e. it is looking pretty serious. Meaning, it makes for a good rainy day accessory if you are wearing formal attire. You can use plastic bags, but it will be unfitting for your attire. At least it is not if you are working in a Japanese company in Japan.
Anyways, Rain Socks are more stylish than plastic bag (obviously). It is not plastic though; it is made of rubber, hence the vacuum-like fit. Also, it is disposable. Well, about that… it is not quite environmental-friendly, is it? But to hell with the environment because, your kicks are more important! Just kidding. Don’t ever quote me on that. We are eco-loving bunch. I promised.
ONFAdd claims it is Rain Socks are super thin, made of rubber and each sock has latex processing on the sole to make them non-slip. So yeah, that’s another thing it wins over sure-to-trip-and-slip plastic bags. Being rubber, it is not suitable for extreme temperatures. The product page advice not use it at extremely high or low temperatures.
It stresses that Rain Socks are for “walking in urban areas in rainy day.” It even tells you how long it will last. Yup. That’s right. It has a range, like EVs. ONFAdd said Rain Socks, when use on wet asphalt road of temperature between -40 to 70 degrees Celsius, it is good for around 15 kilometers (9+ miles). Good to know, but hell no am I going to walk 9 miles in the rain. No way.
Rain Socks command $19,02 a pair which is pricey considering the fact that it is one-time use. But when you need keep your 500 bucks Ferragamo kicks squeak dry and clean, it is probably a small price to pay.
Images: ONFAdd.
ONFAdd via The Gadgeteer.