there are a lot Bluetooth speakers out there that did not specifically says they are portables, but yet by their sizes, you know you could if you wanted to transport it around. however, we can say the same for this novel (and in our opinion, pretty exciting) P.A.C.O. Bluetooth Speaker with Gestural Controls.

there are a lot Bluetooth speakers out there that did not specifically says they are portables, but yet by their sizes, you know you could if you wanted to transport it around. however, we can say the same for this novel (and in our opinion, pretty exciting) P.A.C.O. Bluetooth Speaker with Gestural Controls. the official product name didn’t quite say much, but the P.A.C.O. is actually an open-source speaker and for most part of what you can see, are cast in concrete. using a combination of hardy concrete and “softer’ wood (in this case, it is Fir that was used), the P.A.C.O. turned out to be aesthetically pleasing, with the wood providing a softening effect by adding a little bit of warm, both in sound and in feel, to an otherwise cold material like concrete. the solid harmonic wood helps to diffuse the sound over 360 degrees while the concrete on its part, enhances the deepness of bass.

we must say, aesthetically, the P.A.C.O. already have us at ‘hello’, but that’s not all that draws us to it. part of its other highlights lies in the usability and of course, the innards. audio reproduction comes in the form of a 3.5″ low-mid range speaker, bolstered by a pair of 6W amplifiers, while a 2″ surface transducer sees to the music controls through gestural movements, such as swiping your hand over the sensor to skip track, or hold in in place to turn up the volume. since audio source comes through from devices such as an iPhone via Bluetooth audio streaming, music controls could, logically, be also achieved by manipulating the music app. though we do think that, as far as speakers are concerned, a little gestures wouldn’t hurt and could even make your humble abode a tad more high-tech than John Doe next door.

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the P.A.C.O. Bluetooth Speaker with Gestural Controls is available for sale, but as to where to buy and how much, you will have to touch base with Digital Habits at their official website for some answers.

P.A.C.O. Bluetooth Speaker with Gestural Controls

Digital Habits via Design Boom