Holiday season means if you don’t stock up on beer stash, you will have a hard time getting some if they run out when most of the stores are closed. However, that’s a non-issue if you brew it yourself. Though so, home brewing is never an easy process. It can get quite messy at times. This is where Seattle-based PicoBrew’s latest dead-simple-to-use-and-won’t-bust-your-bank-account home brewer called Pico, comes in. Pico is sleek, sophisticated, has a small footprint – no bigger than some home expresso machine, and most importantly, it is super easy to use.
All you have to do is place the PicoPak of your choice to the machine and the machine will take care of the rest. It will automatically detect which the PicoPak being brewed and tweak the ideal mashing temperature, duration, and hop additions, so you need not to be beer scientist to turn out awesome craft beer. Furthermore, you can influence the outcome of the beer by adjusting the bitterness and alcohol levels to achieve the brew of your desire. And in around 2 hours plus another ten days of fermentation, 5 liters of craft beer is ready for your consumption.
What impresses us is, Pico comes as a complete brewing system and as such, in addition to the Pico brewing machine, it comes with a PicoPak of your choice, a brewing keg, a dispensing keg, along with a host of accessories like being keg seal stopper, and keg lid, keg cozy (yes, even that!), fast fermentation adapter that will decrease the fermentation time, dispensing keg plug and cleaning implements. Basically, it has everything to make your beer brewing and consumption experience whole. This also means, you can acquire several kegs and bring along your own craft beer on your next boating and fishing trip which, needless to say, spells awesome in capital.
All the awesomeness Pico Automated Beer Brewing Machine has to offer can be yours for a reasonable $799, available from PicoBrew website.
All images courtesy of PicoBrew.