(credit: +pool)
we cool gadgets are not the only love we have. we love cool ideas, as well as cool places. speaking of which, the +pool (‘PlusPool’) happens to be one such cool idea (eventually a place). in fact, i will say it is super cool. the idea pitched by designers Dong-Ding Wong, Archie Lee Coates IV and Jeffrey Franklin is simple: they want you to be able to swim in New York’s river in the sweltering hot summer but there is just one problem: the river by itself isn’t exactly the cleanest to do so and hence, the idea of +pool is born. so what really is +pool?
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+pool is basically a pool that floats in the river and uses the river water for swimmers and leisure seekers to swim in. of course that wouldn’t be all. the +pool will employ sophisticated multi-stage filtration and disinfection system to remove anything from debris to suspended solids to bacteria, making the water clean and safe for use. these concentric layers of filtration materials are built around and into the sides of the pool. think of it as a giant strainer dropped into the river and that water within the strainer will be safe and swimmable water that will meet city, state and federal standards of quality.
the pool is designed for everyone and it is a four-in-one pool. the four pools include a children’s pool, a sports pool, a lap pool as well as a lounge pool. together, the four pools formed a plus shape but that’s not all. the pool is reconfigurable to cater to event such as swimming meet or open up completely, turning into a massive 9,000 square-foot (836 square-meter) pool for play. this is a huge undertaking but the team hope to to get the +pool into the water by 2012. you can show your support for +pool by making a pledge via +pool’s Kickstarter page. the funding will help the team to continue testing the filtration system that goes into the +pool. as an incentive for pledging, you will get various goodies in return for your generosity, depending on your pledge amount.
as a matter of fact, +pool has exceeded its funding goal in less than a week but of course, further contribution are most welcomed, as more fund means that they will be able to proceed further and hopefully, get the +pool into the water faster.