Sazac Evangelion Unit-01 Cap and Onsie

Do you folks remember the ‘wearable’ Evangelion shoulder cushion? Well, here’s a “companion” piece to go with it. It’s an Evangelion Unit-01 deluxe cap from onsie maker, Sazac Co., Ltd.. Well, more like a helmet, really.

Like the cushion, Evangelion Unit-01 deluxe cap is not quite a cosplay piece. It is one of those thing you wear it for fun at home for some reasons. But if you are such a big fan of the anime, you will want it to be in your collection.

But if I can be honest, the headgear and shoulder cushion are far from able to complete the look. For the complete look, you will want to look at the Evangelion Unit-01 Renewable Version Costume/Onsie, also from Sazac.

This is a new version of the original introduced last year, now featuring an “upgraded” shoulder design and glow-in-the-dark eyes and arms. You can wear it however you want it. As a pajamas, indoor wear or even hit up parties. No umbilical cable necessary.

Evangelion Unit-01 deluxe cap sells for 2,750 yen while the Evangelion Unit-01 Renewable Version Costume/Onsie costs 8,690 yen, both tax included (US$26 and US$81, respectively). Oh, the onsie is also available in Evangelion Unit-02 version, or in Pen Pen, you know, Misato’s pet penguin? Yeah that too.

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Images: Sazac Co. Ltd..