(photos: Piexon) SmartGuard Pepper Spray Smart Phone Case | €37.50 | www.smartguard.pro
getting mugged is not something to laugh about. just imagine your hard earned dough being cruely parted from you and not to mention the potential physical abuse you might receive in the process. equipping yourself with self-defense device like pepper spray seems like a logical solution but let’s be honest: even if you have one, you wouldn’t place it as conveniently accessible as your beloved iPhone. so the solution? integrated a pepper spray holder to the iPhone case and wa la, you got yourself the SmartGuard Pepper Spray Smart Phone Case. it is standard iPhone case with an integrated holder that holds a specially-shaped can of Oleoresin Capsicum (aka those stuff that irritates your eyes and among other things). the OC-stuffed spray is lock and ready, so once removed from its holder, it is ready to give your assailant a good 6 and half seconds of OC treat for up to 5 feet away. fortunately or not, the SmartGuard is actually something that your money can buy. for €37.50 a pop (about US$50) it could be yours – that’s if pepper spray is legal in your country.
SmartGuard via DVICE via OhGizmo!