(credit: Volpin Props)
from the guy who brought to you the wonderfully beautiful Portal Gun replica, comes yet another jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring masterpiece. this time the weapon in question is the N7 Rifle from Bioware’s upcoming Mass Effect 3. Harrison Krix, better known as “Volphin” created this one of the kind replica for Bioware as part of the press push for the ME3. the N7 is an assault rifle (in the game, of course) styled in the already announced ME3 arsenal such as the N7 pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle and SMG. those who are lucky enough might have just caught a glimpse of this at the recent SDCC 2011 but if you don’t, then do check out a gallery of this awesome replica after the break or “Volphin” build process here. just in case you are wondering… no, this fine example is not for sale. what a bummer, doesn’t it?
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Volphin Props via DVICE