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SodaStream Play Soda Maker Machine

SodaStream Play Soda Maker Machine

love the idea of creating carbonated drinks in the comfort of your home with a touch of style? well, then look forward to the SodaStream Play soda maker machine. like the original SodaStream Source, the SodaStream Play soda maker machine is also penned by celebrated designer Yves Behar and will be making its debut at designjunction at the London Design Festival, happening from September 19-22, 2013.

LG Smart HOM-BOT Square Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

LG Smart HOM-BOT Square Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

while the Jetsons family futuristic lifestyle is still far from becoming a reality, we think LG Smart HOM-BOT Square Robotic Vacuum Cleaner is one-step closer to that reality. yes. we realized that the product name is a mouthful, but it is for good reasons. this latest iteration of the robotic vacuum is strutting its stuff at the IFA 2013 and as its name suggests,

The Best Two Slice Toaster

The Best Two Slice Toaster

there are growing number of connected home appliances, but one thing for sure, we like our toasters the way it is – if the toaster in question is The Best Two Slice Toaster (as usual, that’s the name bestowed on it by Hammacher). according to Hammacher, this sleek toaster can consistently turn out perfectly browned toaster than any model.

iRobot Braava Floor Mopping Robot - Braava 380t

iRobot Braava Floor Mopping Robot

in between vacuuming your pad’s floor and not doing anything at all, there’s actually one chore that we might have missed out if a robot is used to do the job and that’s mopping. the evolution of robotic cleaners such as the Scooba 230 and Scooba 390 kind of makes us forget that we have to actually mop the floor sometimes and hence, the existence of the iRobot Braava Floor Mopping Robot.

Craftmade Tiger Shark Warplane Ceiling Fan

Craftmade Tiger Shark Warplane Ceiling Fan

you can’t say that you are the biggest aviation fan or a war historian hobbyist until you have the Craftmade Tiger Shark Warplane Ceiling Fan fitted on your ceiling. design to look like the nose of the P-40 fighter planes actives during WWII, this unique ceiling fan features a paint job with the fiery-eyed monster graphic

Airocide Air Purifier - Quarter Front

Airocide Air Purifier with NASA-developed Technology

we are not obsessed with super clean air, but if there’s one air purifier that’s based on NASA-developed technology to rid the air of contaminates, you know we’d be pretty thrilled. the appropriately named Airocide air purifier (genocide, airocide? yea. think you get the idea), employs photo-catalytic process to eliminate

Honda Toaster Oven

Honda Toaster Oven

Honda makes automobile, motorcycles, outboard motors and possibly, in near future, aircraft but a toaster? not that we have heard of but here it is, right before our disbelieving eyes, a Honda Toaster Oven from Sunbeam. what’s more unbelievable is, this vintage-style toaster is made from an actual Honda motorcycle gas tank (we know you