Apart from a handful of droids and maybe the Ewoks, there’s nothing cute about Star Wars characters. Is Jabba the Hutt, cute? We hardly think so. And would you consider Darth Vader and his cronies of Stormtroopers adorable? Nope. Never. They are cool, but never cute. Despite that, it didn’t stop Japanese toy maker, Takara Tomy from dishing plush toy version of them. The Star Wars Plush Toys series is the newest addition to the company’s Beans Collection and each of the plushies takes on the cute look and is no bigger than a regular palm. Well, what can we say? Cartoonized, plush and tiny – those are winning formula of cute.
The set consists of eight characters, including Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Yoda, Wicket W. Warrick, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Jabba the Hutt, and will comes pack in a black Star Wars labeled black box and a special wall pocket for displaying your 8-character loot. The Takara Tomy Star Wars Plush Toys will be available starting November 5, 2015, priced at 19,980 Yen, which works out to be around US$165. Though, we are not sure if these toys will venture outside of Japan. Oh, Yoda and Ewok Wicket are also available in life-size plush, each going for a grand 40,000 Yen (around US$331).