Hot on the heels of Takara Tomy Transformers MPG-01 Shouki – the first component of the first-ever Transformers Masterpiece – revealed is the MPG-02 Getsuei aka the electric train aka the right leg of the Raiden combiner.

For those who don’t already know, Getsuei is trainbot disguised as an EF-65-1000 electric locomotive. It is transformable into an 18 cm (7 inches) tall, fully posable robot as well as into the right leg of the combiner known as Raiden.
As with the MPG-01, the Takara Tomy Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Getsuei will come with a part of a train track for display. Unfortunately, the train track does not appear to have the catenary system aka overhead lines which a train like the EF-65 requires to run (not that this Transformers toy needed it but you know, for accuracy’s sake).

In addition, it will get the requisite weapon along with a flight stand for in-the-air poses for both the robot and very strangely, train mode.
The Takara Tomy Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Getsuei is scheduled to drop in September 2022 with an asking price of 17,600 yen (around US$154). Takara Tomy is already taking pre-orders for MPG-02 on its online store. It is not clear when Hasbro will be taking pre-orders for consumers in the U.S.

Here are a couple more looks at the newly revealed Takara Tomy Transformers Masterpiece MPG-02 Getsuei:
Images: Takara Tomy [JP].