(photos: Luke Lamp Co) The Best Flashlight Ever | US$69.00 | www.lukelampco.com
no kidding. it is a bold move to name a product the best, not to mention topping it with an ‘ever’. however, that’s what Luke Kelly has named his latest creation – a hand crafted and hand assembled flashlight dubbed simply as, you guess it, The Best Flashlight Ever. so what it’s name again? it’s The Best Flashlight Ever. ‘i mean the name’. yes, that is its name. get it? so does it really qualifies for the ‘best’ with an ‘ever’? we are not so sure – however, one thing we are sure is this: this rustic-looking piece of flashlight art is awesome cool. we love its combination of hand carved wood with threaded steel piece, which is enough to make this the coolest flashlight ever. and as an added bonus, the Best is also waterproof and virtually indestructible. very cool, indeed. oh, it has LED for its light source. perfect. The Best Flashlight Ever can be yours for just $69 via Luke’s Kickstarter page. check out a couple of videos of this cool flashlight after the break.