(credit: NERF via ars technica) NERF Super Soaker Thunderstorm | US$14.99 | www.nerf.com
water guns has evolved from simple fill it and shoot (or is spray?) to pump action and now water clip. the NERF’s new line of Super Soakers, in particular, the Thunderstorm featured here uses swappable water magazines. now, all soak-loving folks can go into the water battle without needing to head to the sink for refills or at least, not so frequently.
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just make sure you stock up enough of these magazines and you are good for a long battle before needing to fill them up. for just $3.99 per clip there is no reason not to equip yourself with more ‘ammo’. this motorized water gun uses AA batteries, so all you have to do is pull the trigger and send soaking streams up to 25 feet. another critical feature that could give you an upper hand in a decisive water battle. now all that is missing is a bandolier to hold those clips.
Hasbro/NERF via DVICE / ars technica