Tinda Finger Automated Tinder Swiping Finger

In this society where everything moves at breakneck speed, it only makes sense that picking a date (and potential life-long partner) should be efficient and it is perhaps this very reason, dating apps like Tinder exists. While Tinder does offer the convenience of scoring a date without hitting up favorite watering holes, not everyone has all the time in the world to swipe through all the new person that pops up on the app. This is where Tinda Finger comes into play.

This smartphone-powered device plugs into your device’s charging/data port and features a finger that automatically swipe through the new Tinda profiles available, thus saving you the leg work, or in this case, finger work. But why would anyone swipe right without looking at it? Well, because, efficiency. According to its inventor, Tinda Finger will free up valuable time while maximizing your odd of scoring a potential date. And how many “potential dates” we are talking about? How does 6,000 or more sounds to you? Well, that’s what this little fake rotating finger can do in a hour.

What this means is, you’d be able to swipe tens of thousands of new profiles in a day. Man, at that rate, you probably need to do that on one day. I am not why one person need or want to make 10,000 swipes a day, but hey, you know what they say, casting your net wide is likely to reap you more fishes, or something along the line. The Tinda Finger is now a prototype, but it looks like quite a handful of folks are eager to give it a go and if you do too, you can join nearly 250 backers on Kickstarter where you can secure a unit for just 7 English money, or about US$9.50.

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The campaign has already met its funding goal and therefore, if you make a pledge of £7 or more, you’d be pre-ordering the product which is slated for December 2017 delivery. Sounds like a fun Christmas gift to us. Now, who wants to buy me one?

Image: Tinda Finger.

via George Takei.