Science Patrol is the fictional organization in the Ultraman series that defends Earth from invading aliens and giant monsters. If there’s an Ultraman-themed VR thrill ride, you’d expect riders to be part of Science Patrol, experiencing the Ultraman vs. giant kaiju first hand and in unreal close proximity.
Not with the this newly revealed Ultraman VR thrill ride, though. Dubbed Kaiju Haven: VR Adventure, this brand new VR experience will put you and fellow riders in the Science Patrol team, but not to fight monsters.
Instead, you will “embark on an expedition” into the “kaiju paradise” where you will come face-to-face with giant monsters and “scan them with your survey laser.” The goal is simple. Collect data of these giant monsters.

All told, there are 12 kaiju, including the likes of Alien Baltan, Red King and Pigmon, that will appear in eight different routes. So, there’s a possibility that you will encounter different monsters in each experience.
Kaiju Haven: VR Adventure opens on March 31, first at VR Theme Park Tyffonium Odaiba in Diver City Plaza. Tsuburaya Productions hope to bring this experience to other locations, both inside and outside of Japan.
As much as we love the idea, I guess this is not the best time to introduce an entertainment experience like this. Anywho, the ride is recommended for ages 7 and up, and cost 2,400 Yen (about US$22) a pop.
Continue past the jump for the VR adventure trailer.
Images: Tsuburaya Productions.
Source: Scified.