Halloween Levitating Star Wars Speeder Bike

Every year, Internet celebrities Jesse Wellens and Casey Neistat will make a video to mark the year’s Halloween. This year is no different. And if anything, I think this year’s Halloween Levitating Star Wars Speeder Bike should be one of the most memorable because, Speeder Bike. For Halloween 2017, Jesse Wellens and model Carmella Rose dressed up as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, and played out Battle of Endor on the streets of New York City. The pair cruised around NYC on a custom made Speeder Bike as seen on Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi.

In fact, there is not one, but two Speeder Bikes because, after all, Luke and Leia needed to be chased by a Scout Trooper. The Speeder Bike was built by Lithium Cycles and based on the company’s Super 73 electric bike (which is a really, really cool bike, btw). Anywho, the entire video was captured in a couple days and while they were at it, it is of no surprised they had made the day of many folks on the street. Seriously, this is just about the coolest thing anyone can do for Halloween, or any other given day. We suggest you hit the jump and catch the entire video. After you are done, you may also want to check out how the Speeder Bike came to life and how the film was made.

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Image: YouTube.

via Laughing Squid.