First Feature Film by Wong Fu Productions
we feel kind of compelled to feature this, because we are huge fans of California-based <a href="" target="_blank">Wong Fu Productions</a> and we, like the 2 million or so subscribers on YouTube, appreciate their works in short films, sketches, music videos etc.

we feel kind of compelled to feature this, because we are huge fans of California-based Wong Fu Productions and we, like the 2 million or so subscribers on YouTube, appreciate their works in short films, sketches, music videos et cetera. so when the trio, Philip, Ted and Wesley, announced that they are making a feature film, it is only natural that we want to see it materialize. the yet to be named feature will involved Wong Fu’s trademark funny moments, emotional drama and well… relatable themes. for those who have been following the trio’s works will know that these guys are dead serious about what they do and that’s to entertain with quality and value. as for the story… we thought it is best to hear from the horse’s mouth, so hit the jump for a summary of the story.

Our story takes place in a world where all relationship activity is documented and monitored by the Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI). Much like a credit score is given to represent financial responsibility, a relationship score is given to keep individuals accountable for the relationship activity and choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life.
In the film we follow two couples who are experiencing different challenges in their relationships. Seth and Haley are two high schoolers who are registering their relationship for the first time, and Ben and Sara, a former couple in their mid twenties who must meet again to settle an old report.
Through these two stories we are going to explore how love changes over time, and how to believe in your heart again after it’s been hurt.

if the mere mention of “Department of Emotional Integrity” or “DEI” does not tickle your curiosity, we don’t know what will. now here’s the deal. the folks need financial support in order get the full length feature film made and they are not planning on turning to movie studios to fund the project, instead the guys have taken this project to Indiegogo, seeking your support. if you wish to see this first feature film from Wong Fu Productions become a reality, all you need to show your love by dropping some monies for this project – even a dollar will help, but of course, there are different pledge and reward level to suit your budget. you can learn more about the reward structure on their campaign page HERE. in the mean time, we would like to invite you to catch a pitch video below to learn more about the project, or if you are new to Wong Fu Productions, you might want to check out their YouTube channel and sniff out their works.

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