Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

Do you lean back when gaming on a PC? TBH, I don’t. Usually I get too tense to be fully leaning back. However, if you do and at the same time, fancy someone massaging you while you are battling out in the virtual world, well then, Singapore-based massage chair maker OSIM has your back, or should I say, back and shoulder covered.

Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

Gamers, meet the world’s 1st gaming massage chair, the Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair. It is the best of both worlds if you are into that sort of thing (gaming and massage simultaneously).

Combining Acer’s knowledge in gaming chair and OSIM’s expertise in massage chair, the Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair will relieve your back and shoulder of pains from prolong gaming session. Alright. Perhaps, it is not quite for massaging while gaming; it is more for the much needed relaxation in between your sessions.

Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

The adjustable chair boasts an ergonomic designs, memory foam headrest and lumbar cushion, OSIM’s V-Hand Technology and 3 auto massage programs.

V-Hand Technology is a massage chair technology that supposedly emulates the skillful techniques and flexibility of a masseuse’s hands. It features 360-degree massage rollers that rolls along your neck and shoulder contour, delivering targeted neck and shoulder massage for effective pain relief.

Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

Furthermore, this world’s first touts lumbar press (ha! Take that Razer!) that glides and presses along the lumbar to relieve back pain. OSIM said the lumbar press offers deep and relaxing massage of the lower back which will alleviates back soreness from prolong sitting. Finally, the chair has a concealed control panel with access to all manners of control. Personally I hate massage chairs.

Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

I think it is an absolute home interior decor killer, but with the Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair, or the uThrone Gaming Chair (S$949) available in select countries, that’s different story.

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They will look and feel right at home with most interior decor as per today’s norm. Thumbs up for that. If you are in stateside, Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair can be yours to own for US$799.

Predator x OSIM Gaming Massage Chair

Images: OSIM [US].