Star Wars Collectibles won’t be complete without a Darth Vader helmet. But tracking down a life-size, wearable version for your Star Wars shrine isn’t a walk in the park. Before Hasbro Star Wars The Black Series, collectors would have to break the bank for movie props, settle for a cardboard version, or perhaps buy a melted version.
Anyhoo, if you miss the Hasbro Star Wars Black Series Darth Vader Helmet from 2018, here’s a new version: the Star Wars The Black Series Darth Vader Premium Electronic Helmet.
It boasts realistically detailed interior and exterior reproduction of the Sith Lord’s helmet and an updated sculpt with highly detailed deco, series-inspired design. The helmet comes in multiple pieces, namely, the collar piece, mask piece, and hood piece, which assembles together via magnetic points.
Finally, it boasts the infamous and iconic ventilation sounds. Rounding out the package is a stand for displaying in all its Sith glory.
But before you jumped on it, purists may want to know that the new Hasbro Star Wars The Black Series Darth Vader Premium Electronic Helmet is based on the Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney+ which may have a slightly different sculpt to the original trilogy. But as far as a non-eagle eye me goes, it looks just like the original.
The Star Wars The Black Series Darth Vader Premium Electronic Helmet will hit the market starting on January 01, 2023. Meanwhile, eager fans can secure a unit or two from as well as from for US$131.99.
For purists, you may still find the 2018’s version being sold on Amazon for around US$137-ish.
In related news, the Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber is also now a collectible too. The Star Wars The Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Elite Lightsaber is based on Obi-Wan lightsaber as seen in the live-action series on Disney+.
It is also expected to be available on January 01, 2023, for US$278.99. Pre-order is also happening for this super sleek lightsaber replica on and
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Images: Hasbro.