
Board of Awesomeness Gesture Control Skateboard

Board of Awesomeness – Gesture Control Skateboard

you heard about powered skateboards? they are awesome, but there’s one thing that still stands between you and the board, and that’s the required remote that controls the forward speed and stopping action. remote wired or not, can pose some inconvenience, like what if the remote falls out of your hand? not pretty, we must say. however…

Hydroflex Hi-tech Composite Skateboards

Hydroflex Hi-tech Composite Skateboards

usually, skateboarders will never fail to get the rightful attention, however, if you ever need a boost in the look-at-me department, then look no further than the Hydroflex Hi-tech Composite Skateboards. seriously, if these funky colored (we are tempted to say psychedelic) skate decks don’t attract any attention at all, we don’t know what will.

GolfBoard - Skateboard For Golfers

GolfBoard – Skateboard For Golfers

hitting those dimpled white balls on the fairway is fun, but traveling between those strokes ain’t one of them. seriously, if it is that fun, electric golf carts wouldn’t be invented to shorten the agony of the short in-between walks. however, golf cart can get dull pretty quickly too and for a moment it seems that the option for on course transportation is pretty much closed

Stair-Rover 'Downstairs' Longboard

Stair-Rover ‘Downstairs’ Longboard

lack of hilly terrains in the urban area to enjoy the downhill thrills? then we say, do the downstairs instead. yup. that’s right, going down the stairs and that’s what the aptly named Stair-Rover can and will let your do. the Stair-Rover is designed from the ground up to let you “surf the entire city” and