First Ever Beard Jewelry by Krato Milano

For hundreds of years, men have been keeping beard, but only in recent years there have been actual products that take care of the men’s prized facial hair. While that seem to be enough, the love is still not complete, not unless you jazz it up with jewelry. Yes. You heard me. Jewelry for beard and Krato Milano is the first to stake claim as the world’s first jewelry designed exclusively for men’s chin curtain, called, well, Beard Jewelry. And it wasn’t an easy task to come with something to bling your manly pride – it took several iteration to ensure this tiny piece of jewelry performs as it should i.e. stay where it supposed to be and turn heads.

First Ever Beard Jewelry by Krato Milano

Granted that bearded folks have been turning their beards into work of art with braiding them, or decorating them with flowers and such, but nothing come close to the style you witness here. Beard Jewelry may be a tiny beardy opulence, but we think it sends the message of across quite effectively; the message of style. Seriously, how many times have you seen jewelry garnished beards? Never. So, here’s the first and you could join in the fray to spruce up your facial lock with absolute style. Wait. But before you can do that, Krato Milano needs a little helping hand.

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First Ever Beard Jewelry by Krato Milano

Krato Milano has taken Beard Jewelry to Kickstarter where you have the opportunity in make it a reality by backing the campaign (or pre-order, if it meets its set funding goal). Prices are quite reasonable too, ranging from €31 to €150 (approximately US$35-168), depending on how soon you back the campaign, the quantity and the style chosen. We suggest you catch the pitch video below to learn more and also understand why we are impressed with this tiny piece of men’s jewelry.

Images courtesy of Krato Milano.

submitted via TIP US page.