Huami Amazfit has joined the handful but surely growing number of movie-themed smartwatches. The wearable maker has recently made available Amazfit GTR Iron Man Edition and Amazfit Stratos 3 Star Wars Edition.
Differences between the standard and the special edition are, not surprisingly, skin deep. In the case of the Amazfit GTR Iron Man Edition, it is presented in Iron Man’s hot rod red and gold colorway. But instead of matte gold, you’d be getting a mirror finished gold.
The strap is rocking a circuit print in black which is a nod to Iron Man’s advanced technology. Beyond that, you also get a custom watch face that resembles the armored superhero’s chest piece.
Rounding up the package is a special packaging with a wire image of Iron Man and on the inside, you get a plaque of sort of Iron Man’s Arc Reactor.
As for the Amazfit Stratos 3 Star Wars Edition, it gets a red and white colorway on the straps as well as on the case. One strap is in red with the words “VADER IS MY MOTIVATION” printed on it and the strap is white with the words “TRAIN YOU MUST” on it.
Unlike the Amazfit GTR Iron Man, the Star Wars-themed Stratos 3 has a few Star Wars-themed dial face to choose from. Packaging-wise, it has a snazzy Star Wars on the box and on the inside, you will get to two plaques of sort with one bearing the image of Luke Skywalker and the other, Darth Vader.
Amazfit GTR Iron Man Edition was launched in October 2019 while the Amazfit Stratos 3 Star Wars Edition, in December. You can find both smartwatches on selling for 1,399-1,699 yuan (about $204-248).
Images: Weibo (Huami).
Source: YouTube (Lim Reviews).