If your everyday financial transactions revolve around plastic cards, be it credit or loyalty or whatever, then you will want to be able to retrieve the cards swiftly. If so, we think the Cascade Wallet is the card-centric wallet for you. It sports an aluminum unibody design that is not only sleek and durable, but also keeps your cards safe from RFID theft. Measuring just 10.3 mm thin, Cascade has room for up to seven of your favorite plastics and boast a nifty ejection mechanism that lets you pop the cards out in a cascaded manner for easy picking with the slide of a button. The pop up way of retrieving the cards looks pretty cool and kind of reminds us of the switchblade comb popular in the 70s. So, who knows? The Cascade Wallet might set a trend in motion.
In addition to stashing cards, you can choose to cascade cash too, or if you prefer, have those banknotes clipped along with your business card to the back of the wallet with a purpose-designed snap clip (pictured). The Cascade Wallet is, in a way, modular. If you need to carry more things, you could add the aforementioned snap clip or a specially design cover which will let you carry an additional 8 cards, while still providing the same level of RFID protection. The Cascade Wallet is on its last leg of its Kickstarter campaign where you will be able to pre-order one for $65 CAD and up (about US$56). Cover will cost an extra 20 bucks, while engraving service for text and image will run back at an additional $10 and $20 Canadian dollars, respectively. The good thing is, worldwide shipping is already included. Continue reading for an uplifting pitch video.
submitted via TIP US page.