Since Thomas Edison and his team of researchers lighted up the first ever practical electric-powered light bulb, it forever reshaped the way we live. Fast forward to more than 130 years later, a new lighting from Power Practical is doing the same, but this time, we are empowered with the ability shape the light to fit our needs and the product that will let us do so is Luminoodle Task, the third Luminoodle from the Utah-based outdoor gear company.
Luminoodle Task is bendable, attached to any metal surface, rolls up for easy transportation, all while being blessed the power to fill any dark spaces with 5000K color temperature – made possible through a blend of 6500K cool and 2700K warm 2835 LED light. It can be attached to almost anywhere, thanks to the magnet sliders and utility loops on both ends. Together with its IP67 rated construction, Luminoodle Task can be attached to virtually anywhere.
It is also the first ever Luminoodle that is linkable and it is, of course, dimmable, controllable via the included remote or the inline controller. Luminoodle Task is designed for everywhere. Where there are dark spaces, Luminoodle Task is up to the task. There are three models of Luminoodle Task: Task USB, Task, and Task Link. Task USB is, as its name suggests, USB-powered and offers between 75-1000 lumens brightness, while the latter two requires any 12V supply (such as those from your car) and provides 180-3600 lumens of brightness.
You can find Luminoodle TASK Flexible Utility Lighting on Kickstarter where you can pre-order it for $44-179, depending on the model and how soon you act on it. If all goes as planned, i.e the campaign meets its funding goal, you can expect to see Luminoodle Task at your doorstep sometime in May 2018. Skip past the jump for the product pitch video.
Images courtesy of Power Practical.