Camping and setting up a base camp should be a fun experience. However, it can’t be if you keep knocking over tents, firewood, or whatnot because you don’t have night vision ability like some animals do. The solution? Stick a lot of lanterns, or you could go with Luminoodle Color and Basecamp Portable Light Ropes. If the somewhat hunger-inducing product name sounds familiar to you, that’s because this is a follow up iteration to the original introduced last year. The new iteration, as the product name implies, now has colors – 14 of them, to be exact.
In addition, Luminoodle Color boasts a bunch of improvements like 450 lumens of brightness (as opposed to 180 on the original), stronger magnet sliders and quick strap for even easier mounting on virtually any surface, and a variety of lighting modes like 10 brightness settings dimmer, red mode, and strobe/fade. With the Luminoodle Color, you get 3 temperatures of white to choose from: warm white, pure white and daylight, and three dynamic strobe/fade modes. When powered by the optional 3,330 mAh rechargeable battery pack, the Luminoodle Color can run for 2 hours on maximum brightness, or over 10 hours if you go easy on the brightness.
Also new to the Color is inline control, plus a wireless remote. And then, there’s the Basecamp Portable Light Ropes, which shares identical features as the Luminoodle Color with the exception for the projected runtime, since it is longer at 20 feet as opposed the Luminoodle Color’s 5 feet and also, it doesn’t include a lantern bag which both the original and new Luminoodle have. Anyways, at 20 feet, it won’t be practical to turn a lantern out of the Basecamp. It does, however, come with a storage spool and bag. The Basecamp can be powered by Power Practical’s Pronto 12 fast-charge battery, or by a wall outlet or car using the supplied wall adapter or car adapter.
Once again, Power Practical, the outfit behind Luminoodle, has taken these two new products to Kickstarter where you can pre-order the Luminoodle Color for as low as $19 and the Basecamp Portable Light Ropes for $54 and up. As before, there’s no worry about funding cos’ the campaign is already funded at the time of this writing with nearly a month left on the campaign. Check out the product pitch video below to learn more.
submitted via TIP US page.