Amazon Adds Star Trek Wake Word “Computer” To Alexa

Trekkies, you have made your home over-the-top Star Trek-ish with automatic sliding doors, TNG uniform bedding set, USS Enterprise WiFi router, appropriate Star Trek TOS bookends for your Star Trek literatures, Borg fridge, Phaser replica remote control and whatnot, but it will never be complete without you barking out ‘computer’ and have your very own USS Enterprise Starship, AKA your home, ‘onboard computer’ do your bidding. Well, actually, now you can – thanks to Amazon Echo which now includes this iconic word as its wake word to rouse Alexa from her sleep to do your biddings. Hook up Alexa to your smart home and you got your own starship at home.

Seriously, I don’t even know why am I so excited about this one word cos’ I don’t even own an Alexa-equipped device. Anywho, to enable ‘computer’ wake word, all you have to do is change the setting in the Alexa app and you all set to captain your imaginary ship. It will, however, not tell you how to defeat the Borg or get you to warp speed – if that’s what you are thinking…

Image: Star Trek The Original Series screencap via Trekcore edited by Mikeshouts.

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via Engadget